the husband slowly moves closer to his wife..
he takes her hand.. place it on his and slowly pull his wife closer to
him.. he put his right hand around his wife shoulder while his left hand
still holding his wife's hand tightly.. slowly, he kiss his wife's
forehead.. and they continue walking.. hands in hands..
p/s: witnesses by my own eyes..
don't judge me!
the stupid me.. the horrible me.. the hurting me.. and that's me..
Saturday, 10 November 2012
jiwang karat #2
"hey, can u please fix my laptop?"
"yeah, sure..what can i do?" she asks while taking the laptop given.
"i don't know, suddenly, it stuck and shut down by its own"
"hmm.. really.." she press the 'on' button
" hey u, what's ur password?"
"i love you"
"i love you, that's my password"
she opens the laptop... nothing is wrong except the wallpaper writes 'will u marry me' with their pictures surrounding the words..
"don't tell me.." she turns her back to find him..and he was smiling while kneeling down with a a gold ring on his hand..
she smiles back.
"yeah, sure..what can i do?" she asks while taking the laptop given.
"i don't know, suddenly, it stuck and shut down by its own"
"hmm.. really.." she press the 'on' button
" hey u, what's ur password?"
"i love you"
"i love you, that's my password"
she opens the laptop... nothing is wrong except the wallpaper writes 'will u marry me' with their pictures surrounding the words..
"don't tell me.." she turns her back to find him..and he was smiling while kneeling down with a a gold ring on his hand..
she smiles back.
jiwang karat #1
hubby und wifey...
wifey: Ich liebe dich.
hubby: Ich liebe dich auch.
wifey: Du sollst es erweisen. Sagst es auf der Welt.
hubby: *flüstert er in den Ohren* Ich liebe dich.
wifey: Warum flüsterst du in meinen Ohren?
hubby: weil du mein Welt bist..
*ich schmelze*
wifey: Ich liebe dich.
hubby: Ich liebe dich auch.
wifey: Du sollst es erweisen. Sagst es auf der Welt.
hubby: *flüstert er in den Ohren* Ich liebe dich.
wifey: Warum flüsterst du in meinen Ohren?
hubby: weil du mein Welt bist..
*ich schmelze*
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
He knows what I don't
wassup yooo...
okeh.... i'm out of my mind... heee
AS GERMAN!!! tomoro, lesen... waaa.... ich habe Angst.... but yet, here i am, writing a new post for my beloved blog... waa...tolong laaa...~~
i know but i also dun knoe what am i doin right now.. waaa... seriously... ANGST!!!!
ibu, abah....tut mir leid!!! ich möchte nach Deutschland fliegen!! bitte bete für mich!! haaaaa.....
dia...dan dia.... sangat menyesakkan hati ini.....
i was given a prove my iman... to cover my aqidah.... may this trial make me as a new person, a new mujahidah...for
dan sesungguhnya, cinta itu kepunyaan ALLAH yg disandarkan kepada hamba2nya supaya mereka bersyukur atas nikmat kurnian NYA... aku cinta kepada dia sedangkan DIA lebih-lebih lagi mencintai aku.... maka nya, tidak sepatutnya cinta ku padanya melebihi cintaku kepada NYA... kerana dia yg memberi nikmat cinta ini kepada diriku... ya Allah...lead me thru the best way of URS.... drag me back to the true road... ALLAH knows.. InsyaAllah..
TURN back,wani... Syaitan tries to drag u out of this true road of HIM....
' Sesungguhnya Allah SWT tidak menzalimi manusia sedikit pun, tetapi manusia itulah yg menzalimi dirinya sendiri..' (10:44)
ALLAH...aku sedang menzalimi diriku sendiri...amanah yg aku pikul dripd MU supaya aku bljr, supaya aku lpas ALevel n blh fly pegi German... ya Allah...lead me the way... InsyaAllah...
wassup yooo...
okeh.... i'm out of my mind... heee
AS GERMAN!!! tomoro, lesen... waaa.... ich habe Angst.... but yet, here i am, writing a new post for my beloved blog... waa...tolong laaa...~~
i know but i also dun knoe what am i doin right now.. waaa... seriously... ANGST!!!!
ibu, abah....tut mir leid!!! ich möchte nach Deutschland fliegen!! bitte bete für mich!! haaaaa.....
dia...dan dia.... sangat menyesakkan hati ini.....
i was given a prove my iman... to cover my aqidah.... may this trial make me as a new person, a new mujahidah...for
dan sesungguhnya, cinta itu kepunyaan ALLAH yg disandarkan kepada hamba2nya supaya mereka bersyukur atas nikmat kurnian NYA... aku cinta kepada dia sedangkan DIA lebih-lebih lagi mencintai aku.... maka nya, tidak sepatutnya cinta ku padanya melebihi cintaku kepada NYA... kerana dia yg memberi nikmat cinta ini kepada diriku... ya Allah...lead me thru the best way of URS.... drag me back to the true road... ALLAH knows.. InsyaAllah..
TURN back,wani... Syaitan tries to drag u out of this true road of HIM....
' Sesungguhnya Allah SWT tidak menzalimi manusia sedikit pun, tetapi manusia itulah yg menzalimi dirinya sendiri..' (10:44)
ALLAH...aku sedang menzalimi diriku sendiri...amanah yg aku pikul dripd MU supaya aku bljr, supaya aku lpas ALevel n blh fly pegi German... ya Allah...lead me the way... InsyaAllah...
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
AJTH.. a journey to hereafter
hallo.. hallo...
went to AJTH yesterday.. it was awesome but sadly.. I DIDN'T CRY!!!! ok... something is wrong with me??? really??? really???
i was like... REALLY??? why i didn't cry??? i keep asking myself why.. what happen to my feeling?? have i switch it off?? what happen to my iman?? is it increasing or decreasing?? what happen to me??
overall, the things were sooo awesome but, why i didn't cry??? haaa... mybe i got something in mind?? but i don't think so... haaa...
kena cop as KIDnapper today sbb bwk tsana, ank ustaz afuan pegi jenjalan.. adoiii... dat would be a great reminder next time.. haaa...don't ever touch someone else child.. touch your own.. i'll have my own later...haha..
p/s: hbis jubah baru kena candle wax.. TT__TT
kbai.. assalamualaikum..
hallo.. hallo...
went to AJTH yesterday.. it was awesome but sadly.. I DIDN'T CRY!!!! ok... something is wrong with me??? really??? really???
i was like... REALLY??? why i didn't cry??? i keep asking myself why.. what happen to my feeling?? have i switch it off?? what happen to my iman?? is it increasing or decreasing?? what happen to me??
overall, the things were sooo awesome but, why i didn't cry??? haaa... mybe i got something in mind?? but i don't think so... haaa...
kena cop as KIDnapper today sbb bwk tsana, ank ustaz afuan pegi jenjalan.. adoiii... dat would be a great reminder next time.. haaa...don't ever touch someone else child.. touch your own.. i'll have my own later...haha..
p/s: hbis jubah baru kena candle wax.. TT__TT
kbai.. assalamualaikum..
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
u, u or maybe u..?
assalamualaikum w.b.t..
didn't have much to say though.. just feel like writing this..
suddenly wake up and eat for sahur..
then, mind busy thinking of what should i be doing all this time??
5days of Ramadhan... yet, 5days of dissatisfaction.. i haven't done good enough.. i wanna do better... insyaAllah... Allah leads me the righteous path...
i was thinking hardly, what could have go wrong with me.. something is missing and the worst happen when i don't even know what it is... astaghfirullah...
was soll ich machen? ich weiß das nicht..
chest.. in my heart..suddenly feel empty.. i wanna put something inside but, I FORGOT WHERE DID I PUT THE KEY.. worst..
what happen to me?
till meet again....
love and hate kill u... or rather u kill urself bcoz of them.. u choose..
assalamualaikum... =)
didn't have much to say though.. just feel like writing this..
suddenly wake up and eat for sahur..
then, mind busy thinking of what should i be doing all this time??
5days of Ramadhan... yet, 5days of dissatisfaction.. i haven't done good enough.. i wanna do better... insyaAllah... Allah leads me the righteous path...
i was thinking hardly, what could have go wrong with me.. something is missing and the worst happen when i don't even know what it is... astaghfirullah...
was soll ich machen? ich weiß das nicht..
chest.. in my heart..suddenly feel empty.. i wanna put something inside but, I FORGOT WHERE DID I PUT THE KEY.. worst..
what happen to me?
till meet again....
love and hate kill u... or rather u kill urself bcoz of them.. u choose..
assalamualaikum... =)
Sunday, 22 July 2012
ramadhan dan kehadiran dye
yeay! dpt post lgi though rse cm xda idea je.. hee.. aku tengah bz.. bukan bz duk kt tgh kota metropolitan segala bagai atau hape2 yg berkaitan atau xberkaitan.. tp, bz memikirkn benda xberfaedah.. benda xda pekdoh... woot2...
ramadhan dtg lgi...!! yeay!! mcm biase, stock bunga api, mercun sgala bagai da settle.. erk? ye ke? i'm a big girl now.. xpelu kot nk main bnda2 tu... ape yg best ramadhan nie??
huaaaaa... xdpt blik kampung smpai la nk dkt raye nnti... okfine... =P
aku cool.. hepi je kot.. haha... wateva... pdhl dlm hati ngs xbenti?? ye eh?? xda pon.... lolololol..
troll me.. walaweyh... oh2... MDS (mingu duduk saje) sumpah best!! haha.. i love this MDS family.. woot2.. tlg la.. plizzz laa.. memories, dun fade away...
aku jmpe abg yg cool n sgt macho ini.. yep... dye...dye yg aku xpenah kenal sblom nie.. da berjaya mencuiti hati aku?? amboiii...kelasss ko punye bahase nyahhh... eiiiyuuu... okeh.. like seriously?? dye je pown... tacing2 my heart is very not accepted crime... walaweyhhh...
i'm here.. alone in my room.. yee ling ist nicht da..later, she'll come back.. huaaa... like seriously..(topic dye xhbis lgi) adoii.. jgn ngengada nk porak perandakn perasaan aku la walaupn ko ckp ko nk buang perasaan ko tapi aku yg akn jd kt perasaan aku, bukan boleh fade away mcm tu je pon.. ko ingat nie slide shows ke?? okfne.. da membebel sume sbab ko..
aku xpaham... n aku cm xnak paham... knape ko dlm bebyk mnusia dlm muka bumi nieyh?? harapan kan... dun let me down but dun ever make me think of u.... lolzz...
okeh... OVER perasan.. dooooiii.. u gotta stop dreaming!!!
sekian, ahlan wasahlan... byk2kn la buat amal.. jgn jd mcm aku nie.. sobs2.. TT__TT
p/s: cik tin xya nk ngengada nk teka sape.. haha.. u neva know till i tell u..waawawawawa
yeay! dpt post lgi though rse cm xda idea je.. hee.. aku tengah bz.. bukan bz duk kt tgh kota metropolitan segala bagai atau hape2 yg berkaitan atau xberkaitan.. tp, bz memikirkn benda xberfaedah.. benda xda pekdoh... woot2...
ramadhan dtg lgi...!! yeay!! mcm biase, stock bunga api, mercun sgala bagai da settle.. erk? ye ke? i'm a big girl now.. xpelu kot nk main bnda2 tu... ape yg best ramadhan nie??
huaaaaa... xdpt blik kampung smpai la nk dkt raye nnti... okfine... =P
aku cool.. hepi je kot.. haha... wateva... pdhl dlm hati ngs xbenti?? ye eh?? xda pon.... lolololol..
troll me.. walaweyh... oh2... MDS (mingu duduk saje) sumpah best!! haha.. i love this MDS family.. woot2.. tlg la.. plizzz laa.. memories, dun fade away...
aku jmpe abg yg cool n sgt macho ini.. yep... dye...dye yg aku xpenah kenal sblom nie.. da berjaya mencuiti hati aku?? amboiii...kelasss ko punye bahase nyahhh... eiiiyuuu... okeh.. like seriously?? dye je pown... tacing2 my heart is very not accepted crime... walaweyhhh...
i'm here.. alone in my room.. yee ling ist nicht da..later, she'll come back.. huaaa... like seriously..(topic dye xhbis lgi) adoii.. jgn ngengada nk porak perandakn perasaan aku la walaupn ko ckp ko nk buang perasaan ko tapi aku yg akn jd kt perasaan aku, bukan boleh fade away mcm tu je pon.. ko ingat nie slide shows ke?? okfne.. da membebel sume sbab ko..
aku xpaham... n aku cm xnak paham... knape ko dlm bebyk mnusia dlm muka bumi nieyh?? harapan kan... dun let me down but dun ever make me think of u.... lolzz...
okeh... OVER perasan.. dooooiii.. u gotta stop dreaming!!!
sekian, ahlan wasahlan... byk2kn la buat amal.. jgn jd mcm aku nie.. sobs2.. TT__TT
p/s: cik tin xya nk ngengada nk teka sape.. haha.. u neva know till i tell u..waawawawawa
Friday, 29 June 2012
i'm a PM!!!!
salam.. woot..woot..
i'm a PM!! yes, Pembantu Mahasiswa/i..huhu
bru blik from kem in Lengging, negori... da jd org ngori dh eden nieh.. haha sesgt la best.. aaa.. will be missing this moment later like hell.. haaaa...
owh...owh... so xcited about being a PM.. well2..
i love my grup.. danke for being such a very good members.. u r the best!!
JAMU MAK DARA (JMD) name cm minx penmpr...
adzim(leader yg kerek gyler..?)
azim(bebudak ausmat yg jd penghulu.. weet2.. bdn tough tuuu... uuuu...)
rizqin(budak gyler anime tp, xpndai lukis.. lorrr...kuat menyampuk dll yg swaktu dgnnye)
azree(pkcik nie, pling xleh blah.. loorr.. byk gyler teka tekup mengarut yg dia taw.. eee..blh bikin panas hati.. tp, agk alim, but ok jee.. jd pembaca doa utk every session..kot??)
haziq( nie senior yg xnmpk cm senior... bile buat muke.. adoii..lawak nk mampus.. muke mintak penumbuk.. lol... but, such a nice guy..)
wil sern(senyap sgt2)
niro( an indian girl.. nope.. buddhist sumthing like that laaa.. byk ckp.. mesra alam sikit nie..)
Zack aka Zakiah (malay, alm.. quite ok n mesra2 jgk.. da geng kamcing dh.. woot2..)
aku suke, syg gerup aku..yay!! byk nice moment.. hope we didn't break apart after this..
oh2.. kitorg menang naib johan for Excel Race.. (uuuu..jgn jeles...haha)
i'm a PM!! yes, Pembantu Mahasiswa/i..huhu
bru blik from kem in Lengging, negori... da jd org ngori dh eden nieh.. haha sesgt la best.. aaa.. will be missing this moment later like hell.. haaaa...
owh...owh... so xcited about being a PM.. well2..
i love my grup.. danke for being such a very good members.. u r the best!!
JAMU MAK DARA (JMD) name cm minx penmpr...
adzim(leader yg kerek gyler..?)
azim(bebudak ausmat yg jd penghulu.. weet2.. bdn tough tuuu... uuuu...)
rizqin(budak gyler anime tp, xpndai lukis.. lorrr...kuat menyampuk dll yg swaktu dgnnye)
azree(pkcik nie, pling xleh blah.. loorr.. byk gyler teka tekup mengarut yg dia taw.. eee..blh bikin panas hati.. tp, agk alim, but ok jee.. jd pembaca doa utk every session..kot??)
haziq( nie senior yg xnmpk cm senior... bile buat muke.. adoii..lawak nk mampus.. muke mintak penumbuk.. lol... but, such a nice guy..)
wil sern(senyap sgt2)
niro( an indian girl.. nope.. buddhist sumthing like that laaa.. byk ckp.. mesra alam sikit nie..)
Zack aka Zakiah (malay, alm.. quite ok n mesra2 jgk.. da geng kamcing dh.. woot2..)
aku suke, syg gerup aku..yay!! byk nice moment.. hope we didn't break apart after this..
oh2.. kitorg menang naib johan for Excel Race.. (uuuu..jgn jeles...haha)
Sunday, 17 June 2012
kehilangan yg dirindui
salam.. guten tag!! halo!
hmm.. i got a very bad news.. my grandpa, bak... has gone to rahmatullah on Tues, 12Jun2012 at 10pm.. alfatihah
git call from ibu about 4 times that night but didn't realize it since i'm charging my phone kt lua bilik.. so, sudden hear of the msg ringtone. then, pegi la kt phone tuu.. then, i didn't manage to read the msg yet, my mom already called me..bak meninggal, kemas beg, balik.. abg yamin mai ambik nnti.. that's the only thing that i can hear.. when suddenly, i drop that phone.. what!!!! my precious phone!!! seb baik xda pape.. okfine...
then. kemas brg, msuk bilik je.. nmpk yee ling...
'i need to go back!'
'dun tell me...'
'yes, he's gone...' without any delay, i drop my body on the bed, and start crying...
'dun be like that laaa....shhhuuuu...'yee ling comfort me.. danke, liebling!!
i start packing my bag again... my cousin will arrive soon.. soo soon... msg my cousin, then he said, two minutes more, get downstairs, we'll pick u up.. i wait in front of cemara.. my cousins arrive, then we went to hospital serdang.. woaahhh.. he even break thru a few red lights to get there.. sooo fast.. i was holding my tears inside the car.. but, fail.. i cried but manage to didn't let out any sound.. mybe kak farah hear me, perhaps laa... my mind keep thinking at bak.. everything that he had told me b4, anything that he gave me before.. aaarrggghhh..just can't hold the tears again...
arrive at the hosp.. i saw a few sedara mara from kl.. my che yong was there bzy preparing for his transport to went back to besut... i sat there.. didn't managed to sat though.. as soon asi saw bak, i can't see him... i moved back in fear.. da lame xtgk jenazah.. i'm scared.. scared to realize that he's already gone from this world.. mcm terngiang2 je ape yg dia pnah gtau.. wooaahh... but i gather all my courage then, yeah.. i managed to step n be about 3feets from him.. still, i'm frozen to death.. abg yamin opened the cover, revealing his yellow looking face... i almost drop myself.. he kissed bak's forehead, n both cheeks.. i was like..donno what to do.. i'm emotionless.. i didn't even tried to step closer but even move backwards.. what a grandchild.. haaaaa... i waited there until 2.30am... such long wait for the van jenazah to come there...
and yeah... i watched everything, from bathing, 'kapan'ing n also praying... i watch every single step but not the for the whole bathing process.. i didn't dare.. bak's stomach r big.. full of water.. he can't digest it since all the system has already stop functioning... my tears keep on coming out when it was the time for 'kapan'ing.. i was tersedu sedan there.. can't stop my tears.. really can't.. i was flashing back for all the good deeds that he had done to me.. and i was thinking, what was the thing that i've done for him... is it enough to repay back all his kindness?? is it enough?
one scene seems to be so sticky in my head, i was watching Running Man in Bangi at that front of tv, in front of my laptop.. he came and sit beside me on the sofa..
'tgh tgk gapo tu?' he ask
'tgk korea' if i said Running Man, did he knew them? i dun think soo...
'hmm.. ank2 muda duk hanyut nga bnda nie ko??'
erk... sentap.. tutup laptop.. tgk tv... aaaa... sumpah... sentap...
then, after i waited from 11 until 2.30am, i went back to che yong's house in bangi then met my parents n ajim n nurin... we start our journey back to besut as soon as i reach bangi.. simpan2 their bags then, start going back home at almost 3.15am.. my father drove all the way though he's sleepy.. alhamdulillah, nothing happen... when i reach home at 10.45am, the van jenazah already arrive.. they had start bathing n 'kapan'ing bak again... i don't have any energy to go to bak's house and settle up things there.. i'm tidying my house, coz ayah su gonna stay here during the havoc at bak's house.. then, i ate breakfast mit lunch coz its almost 12.30.. then, i took bath when evryone already gone to bak's house.. then, i went there alone, seeing everyone has tears on their eyes.. i gather my courage.. i thought that i had already let go lots of tears before so, today.. i'm not going to tear.. is it?? as soon as everyone gather and it was the last time for us to see him bfore they close the kain kapan at his face.. everyone cry.. so do i.. they start kissing him while holding the tears.. but i can't hold my tears so, i went back to the wall, away from everyone but i still manage to see his smiling face.. seriously, u can tell that he's smiling.. auntie push me towards bak..
'this is the last time awak nk jmpe bak..pasni xdop dh.. pegi la cium bak.. pahni awak xleh dh jupe dia' she cried and make me cried harder.. aku da geleng2 kpala then, that person closed that kain kapan on his face.. i cried even harder.. its time for zohor prayer, they r going to perform another solat jenazah b4 going to kubur.. i went to kubur by foot with mom and auntie.. abah was there.. i though he went to zohor prayer but he didn't... that kubur was 7feets downward, and mata air was sprouting out from it.. abah was pumping the water from inside the kubur to outside.. kimi was helping him.. the white shirt on abah was full of mud.. it was all over his face also....
waiting for the van jenazah to come... and everything went out well..
yeah... i'm glad everything was over.. danke to all.. yeah.. that's a really long post i think... hehe...
lastly, alfatihah for him... danke
hmm.. i got a very bad news.. my grandpa, bak... has gone to rahmatullah on Tues, 12Jun2012 at 10pm.. alfatihah
git call from ibu about 4 times that night but didn't realize it since i'm charging my phone kt lua bilik.. so, sudden hear of the msg ringtone. then, pegi la kt phone tuu.. then, i didn't manage to read the msg yet, my mom already called me..bak meninggal, kemas beg, balik.. abg yamin mai ambik nnti.. that's the only thing that i can hear.. when suddenly, i drop that phone.. what!!!! my precious phone!!! seb baik xda pape.. okfine...
then. kemas brg, msuk bilik je.. nmpk yee ling...
'i need to go back!'
'dun tell me...'
'yes, he's gone...' without any delay, i drop my body on the bed, and start crying...
'dun be like that laaa....shhhuuuu...'yee ling comfort me.. danke, liebling!!
i start packing my bag again... my cousin will arrive soon.. soo soon... msg my cousin, then he said, two minutes more, get downstairs, we'll pick u up.. i wait in front of cemara.. my cousins arrive, then we went to hospital serdang.. woaahhh.. he even break thru a few red lights to get there.. sooo fast.. i was holding my tears inside the car.. but, fail.. i cried but manage to didn't let out any sound.. mybe kak farah hear me, perhaps laa... my mind keep thinking at bak.. everything that he had told me b4, anything that he gave me before.. aaarrggghhh..just can't hold the tears again...
arrive at the hosp.. i saw a few sedara mara from kl.. my che yong was there bzy preparing for his transport to went back to besut... i sat there.. didn't managed to sat though.. as soon asi saw bak, i can't see him... i moved back in fear.. da lame xtgk jenazah.. i'm scared.. scared to realize that he's already gone from this world.. mcm terngiang2 je ape yg dia pnah gtau.. wooaahh... but i gather all my courage then, yeah.. i managed to step n be about 3feets from him.. still, i'm frozen to death.. abg yamin opened the cover, revealing his yellow looking face... i almost drop myself.. he kissed bak's forehead, n both cheeks.. i was like..donno what to do.. i'm emotionless.. i didn't even tried to step closer but even move backwards.. what a grandchild.. haaaaa... i waited there until 2.30am... such long wait for the van jenazah to come there...
and yeah... i watched everything, from bathing, 'kapan'ing n also praying... i watch every single step but not the for the whole bathing process.. i didn't dare.. bak's stomach r big.. full of water.. he can't digest it since all the system has already stop functioning... my tears keep on coming out when it was the time for 'kapan'ing.. i was tersedu sedan there.. can't stop my tears.. really can't.. i was flashing back for all the good deeds that he had done to me.. and i was thinking, what was the thing that i've done for him... is it enough to repay back all his kindness?? is it enough?
one scene seems to be so sticky in my head, i was watching Running Man in Bangi at that front of tv, in front of my laptop.. he came and sit beside me on the sofa..
'tgh tgk gapo tu?' he ask
'tgk korea' if i said Running Man, did he knew them? i dun think soo...
'hmm.. ank2 muda duk hanyut nga bnda nie ko??'
erk... sentap.. tutup laptop.. tgk tv... aaaa... sumpah... sentap...
then, after i waited from 11 until 2.30am, i went back to che yong's house in bangi then met my parents n ajim n nurin... we start our journey back to besut as soon as i reach bangi.. simpan2 their bags then, start going back home at almost 3.15am.. my father drove all the way though he's sleepy.. alhamdulillah, nothing happen... when i reach home at 10.45am, the van jenazah already arrive.. they had start bathing n 'kapan'ing bak again... i don't have any energy to go to bak's house and settle up things there.. i'm tidying my house, coz ayah su gonna stay here during the havoc at bak's house.. then, i ate breakfast mit lunch coz its almost 12.30.. then, i took bath when evryone already gone to bak's house.. then, i went there alone, seeing everyone has tears on their eyes.. i gather my courage.. i thought that i had already let go lots of tears before so, today.. i'm not going to tear.. is it?? as soon as everyone gather and it was the last time for us to see him bfore they close the kain kapan at his face.. everyone cry.. so do i.. they start kissing him while holding the tears.. but i can't hold my tears so, i went back to the wall, away from everyone but i still manage to see his smiling face.. seriously, u can tell that he's smiling.. auntie push me towards bak..
'this is the last time awak nk jmpe bak..pasni xdop dh.. pegi la cium bak.. pahni awak xleh dh jupe dia' she cried and make me cried harder.. aku da geleng2 kpala then, that person closed that kain kapan on his face.. i cried even harder.. its time for zohor prayer, they r going to perform another solat jenazah b4 going to kubur.. i went to kubur by foot with mom and auntie.. abah was there.. i though he went to zohor prayer but he didn't... that kubur was 7feets downward, and mata air was sprouting out from it.. abah was pumping the water from inside the kubur to outside.. kimi was helping him.. the white shirt on abah was full of mud.. it was all over his face also....
waiting for the van jenazah to come... and everything went out well..
yeah... i'm glad everything was over.. danke to all.. yeah.. that's a really long post i think... hehe...
lastly, alfatihah for him... danke
Friday, 1 June 2012
salam.. guten tag!!
ok.. seriously.. aku nk taw.. haaaaaaaahhhhhh... letey pikir..
aku, dlm dilema.. aku nk kwn ngn sume org..boys n girls.. when aku dpt taw sal statement nie, hati aku da berbolak balik.. betol ke?? really?? chommal?? cincha?? knpe??
knpe aku rase cmni?? knpe aku cm tolak bnda nie?? iman aku da kurg ke?? knpe aku cm abandoned bnda nie b4 nie?? knpe skrg bru nk rase bersalah?? tp, aku blh ke?? diorg best fren aku.. aku appreciate.. bila aku tny dia yg berkenaan.. cm sentap.. yea, sy tersentap..
'bnda2 yg ko blh buat sndiri.. buat laa.. xpn, mintak tlg ngn girl.. klau terdesak sgt2, bru mintak tlg ngn boy.. kurgkn kebergantungan thadap boy'
sentence that make me think, not twice but thousand time.. astaghfirullah.. what have i done..
assalamualaikum.. =)
ok.. seriously.. aku nk taw.. haaaaaaaahhhhhh... letey pikir..
aku, dlm dilema.. aku nk kwn ngn sume org..boys n girls.. when aku dpt taw sal statement nie, hati aku da berbolak balik.. betol ke?? really?? chommal?? cincha?? knpe??
knpe aku rase cmni?? knpe aku cm tolak bnda nie?? iman aku da kurg ke?? knpe aku cm abandoned bnda nie b4 nie?? knpe skrg bru nk rase bersalah?? tp, aku blh ke?? diorg best fren aku.. aku appreciate.. bila aku tny dia yg berkenaan.. cm sentap.. yea, sy tersentap..
'bnda2 yg ko blh buat sndiri.. buat laa.. xpn, mintak tlg ngn girl.. klau terdesak sgt2, bru mintak tlg ngn boy.. kurgkn kebergantungan thadap boy'
sentence that make me think, not twice but thousand time.. astaghfirullah.. what have i done..
assalamualaikum.. =)
Thursday, 31 May 2012
rindu kamooowww!!!
assalamualaikum w.b.t..(xjwb dosa, msuk api neraka..xtaw2..)
ola minna.. olalalalalala... laaaaaa...
siyes, da lame gyler xupdate blog...
sory blog!!!!! gomen!!!!
hayya2.. naseb la dpt blogger cm haku nie.. adoyai... bz...n zzzzz
bzzzzzzz sesgt...
haku pn xtaw nk habaq apekenamenye kat sini.. hadoyai.. nk citer byk sgt citer2 hotsetupp kott.. ye la, da bpe bulan aku xupdate.. mmg byk la kan2?? hmmmm...
aku ngah practical.. kt gmi..siyes best... suke though skit tgn,kaki sgala bagai.. heee... mama, tlg urut!! dpt pegang papan LK lgi.. although shaking taim mule2 tuu.. but still besnyeeeeeeee....
feeling dye cm... oooooohhhhhh....okfine.. korg msti xphm.. kn2?? mmg pn.. aku je yg rase....
aku pegi camping!!!! yuhuuuu... best gyler tahap petala kelapan n sterusnye.. adoiii... indahnye alam ciptaan ALLAH... Alhamdulillah, everything goes well.. xda cedera, xda jgkitan kuman, pnyakit maut segala bgai.. xda.. bguih laa... relief sikit kot.. hehe..siyes cntik..
*msuk mood lembut dmai jiwa sikit*
tp, aku pling tacing2 nye bile sume ALG segala bagai nie.. unite... waaaa.. feel like crying.. mcm nk ckp, korg la kwn aku smpai syurgaa.. dooohh.. mane aku nk msuk syurga sorg2.. huuu... xmau aku..lonely nnti... kne tarik reramai msuk syurga.. kalau blh, evryone of alg.. alles.. hehe.. dgn kebijaksanaan diorg sume, dpt la wat campfire wlau terslah prediction..sumpah best, klakar sgala bagai.. sume feeling yg best2 je ade.. n tacing2 je.. sedey2, out.. sgt222222 enjoyyy... nk wat lgi!!! cik PD, orgnize yg lain pulak!!!! nie request niee.. mau2..
beberape pic yg aku suke n sgt memorable.. credit hour to cik Fatin Nabilah... hehe..
hmmmm... nk citer hape agi erk?? ntahahahaha....
owh.. mr dia.. yea, mr dia... ok, confusing.. sy xtaw.. sy xtaw pape... sy xmau taw..
JGN BAGI AKU PERASAN LAAAAAA!!!!! (shouting from on top of a hill)
*trik nafas, hembus..kembang kempiskn idung....*
aku da cukup perasan r.. lemah aku ngn mnusia cm mr dia.. mr dia nie.. eeeiii.. nk belah rase kpala mr dia so that aku ley taw ape yg mr dia fikir2kn.. hadoyaiii... tp, klau belah nnti, dye mati.. xpe2.. bia la dlu..
nk taw.... nk sgt taw.... nk sgt2.... tp, aku pikir possibilities yg ade.. sume2 la...
klau kitorg sme2 suke: yay!!! hepi nye laaaa...hepi gyler.. cm dunia ini ana yg punye..pastu?? ich liebe dich, du libst mich.. und dann?? bkn ley wat pape pn.. bkn ley tunang, kawen others sume pape laa...sbb aku taw dye jnis laki yg mcm mane n i think its not the right time for him to settle down with me coz i'm not ready yet n so do he.. selesaaaaaiiiii... conclusion: no hope, dun give hope.. don't hope...
klau mr dia Xsuke aku: babai.. i'm hurt.. adoi2.. i would never fall in lab again.. i won't do that n do this.. ok, xda point.. cam horang gylaks.. hahadoiiihh.. soooo?? conclusion: aaarrrggghhh...nyesal aku tau bnda nie.. nyesal aku taw feeling mr dia yg sbenar.. nyesal2!!!..
overall conclusion: full setop... xya pikir pape sal mr dia.. directkn mata anda ke lain, minda anda serta hati anda.. yela2.. yelayelayelayela... yelaaaaaaatuuuuu... tawakkal.. ALLAH yg pegang hati aku, bukan mr dia.. ok...understood already...
ya ALLAH, ya Rahman, ya Rahim.. aku memohon kpadaMU ya ALLAH.. jika benar dia utk aku, Kau permudahkan lah jalan kami ya ALLAH.. bantulah kami, tunjukkan lah kami jalan Engkau yg lurus... bntulh kami drp terjebak dlm zina hati, zina lidah, zina perbuatan n others.. ya ALLAH, jika dia bukan utk diriku..Kau bantulah aku menghadapi segala dugaan n cabaran yg mendatang.. kurniakanlah aku kekuatan dalaman utk menghadapi ujian2 Mu.. ya ALLAH, bntulah aku, jgelah hatiku ya ALLAH, jgn bg hatiku dicemari dgn perkara yg tidak Engkau sukai.. Aminn...
p/s: ok, pnjg.. tp, its worth.. i can let everything in my heart.. lntk hang nk paham ke x.. mr dia.. tgh watpe eh skrg... hehe..okbye.. assalamualaikum... (^^,)
ola minna.. olalalalalala... laaaaaa...
siyes, da lame gyler xupdate blog...
sory blog!!!!! gomen!!!!
hayya2.. naseb la dpt blogger cm haku nie.. adoyai... bz...n zzzzz
bzzzzzzz sesgt...
haku pn xtaw nk habaq apekenamenye kat sini.. hadoyai.. nk citer byk sgt citer2 hotsetupp kott.. ye la, da bpe bulan aku xupdate.. mmg byk la kan2?? hmmmm...
aku ngah practical.. kt gmi..siyes best... suke though skit tgn,kaki sgala bagai.. heee... mama, tlg urut!! dpt pegang papan LK lgi.. although shaking taim mule2 tuu.. but still besnyeeeeeeee....
feeling dye cm... oooooohhhhhh....okfine.. korg msti xphm.. kn2?? mmg pn.. aku je yg rase....
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kesayangankuuuu... |
aku pegi camping!!!! yuhuuuu... best gyler tahap petala kelapan n sterusnye.. adoiii... indahnye alam ciptaan ALLAH... Alhamdulillah, everything goes well.. xda cedera, xda jgkitan kuman, pnyakit maut segala bgai.. xda.. bguih laa... relief sikit kot.. hehe..siyes cntik..
*msuk mood lembut dmai jiwa sikit*
tp, aku pling tacing2 nye bile sume ALG segala bagai nie.. unite... waaaa.. feel like crying.. mcm nk ckp, korg la kwn aku smpai syurgaa.. dooohh.. mane aku nk msuk syurga sorg2.. huuu... xmau aku..lonely nnti... kne tarik reramai msuk syurga.. kalau blh, evryone of alg.. alles.. hehe.. dgn kebijaksanaan diorg sume, dpt la wat campfire wlau terslah prediction..sumpah best, klakar sgala bagai.. sume feeling yg best2 je ade.. n tacing2 je.. sedey2, out.. sgt222222 enjoyyy... nk wat lgi!!! cik PD, orgnize yg lain pulak!!!! nie request niee.. mau2..
beberape pic yg aku suke n sgt memorable.. credit hour to cik Fatin Nabilah... hehe..
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on way pegi chilling.. hud pura2 tido.. yea, mmg nmpk REAL..blom smpai pn da penat... =P |
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crossing the river.. almost everyone is here.. wonderful moment.. ich liebe ALG.. huuuu.. syg korg |
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nie syahdu2 sikit,, tacing2 sikit.. rugi r.. ABC, nk joinn... tenks imam adli... woaahh.. bgus2.. jom msuk syurga same2.. |
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pic fav... sbb ade akak sesat pkai shawl.. siyes comel.. haha.. hantu kau wani...diam ah..! |
hmmmm... nk citer hape agi erk?? ntahahahaha....
owh.. mr dia.. yea, mr dia... ok, confusing.. sy xtaw.. sy xtaw pape... sy xmau taw..
JGN BAGI AKU PERASAN LAAAAAA!!!!! (shouting from on top of a hill)
*trik nafas, hembus..kembang kempiskn idung....*
aku da cukup perasan r.. lemah aku ngn mnusia cm mr dia.. mr dia nie.. eeeiii.. nk belah rase kpala mr dia so that aku ley taw ape yg mr dia fikir2kn.. hadoyaiii... tp, klau belah nnti, dye mati.. xpe2.. bia la dlu..
nk taw.... nk sgt taw.... nk sgt2.... tp, aku pikir possibilities yg ade.. sume2 la...
klau kitorg sme2 suke: yay!!! hepi nye laaaa...hepi gyler.. cm dunia ini ana yg punye..pastu?? ich liebe dich, du libst mich.. und dann?? bkn ley wat pape pn.. bkn ley tunang, kawen others sume pape laa...
klau mr dia Xsuke aku: babai.. i'm hurt.. adoi2.. i would never fall in lab again.. i won't do that n do this.. ok, xda point.. cam horang gylaks.. hahadoiiihh.. soooo?? conclusion: aaarrrggghhh...nyesal aku tau bnda nie.. nyesal aku taw feeling mr dia yg sbenar.. nyesal2!!!..
overall conclusion: full setop... xya pikir pape sal mr dia.. directkn mata anda ke lain, minda anda serta hati anda.. yela2.. yelayelayelayela... yelaaaaaaatuuuuu... tawakkal.. ALLAH yg pegang hati aku, bukan mr dia.. ok...understood already...
ya ALLAH, ya Rahman, ya Rahim.. aku memohon kpadaMU ya ALLAH.. jika benar dia utk aku, Kau permudahkan lah jalan kami ya ALLAH.. bantulah kami, tunjukkan lah kami jalan Engkau yg lurus... bntulh kami drp terjebak dlm zina hati, zina lidah, zina perbuatan n others.. ya ALLAH, jika dia bukan utk diriku..Kau bantulah aku menghadapi segala dugaan n cabaran yg mendatang.. kurniakanlah aku kekuatan dalaman utk menghadapi ujian2 Mu.. ya ALLAH, bntulah aku, jgelah hatiku ya ALLAH, jgn bg hatiku dicemari dgn perkara yg tidak Engkau sukai.. Aminn...
p/s: ok, pnjg.. tp, its worth.. i can let everything in my heart.. lntk hang nk paham ke x.. mr dia.. tgh watpe eh skrg... hehe..okbye.. assalamualaikum... (^^,)
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to mr dia?? naaaahhhh... imposibru!! coz he donno my blog.. haha.. |
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
test yg menyerabuti minda
assalamualaikum, leute!!
lame gyler x update.. whaha.. aku bz, hang nk habaq ape??
lolololol.. suka aty aku lar...
urm..bday, daddy, 14 Feb.. hepi bday! malu nk, kakak msg je la yea.. hehe
bday, zana, comin soooooonnnn.. tomoro~~ 23 Feb.. lol..
pokai aku nk beli hadiah kat 2 2 org tuuu.. ish3,.. hehe..
was soll ich sprachen ueber??
ich weiss nicht! hehe..
aku ade test pasni.. math.. liebe math, ich liebe dich.. bitte helfen mir..
und dann, i got deutch test.. erkk.. bace sikit2 je smlm... otak, start la remembering! lol...
smlm, yup.. smlm aku stay up.. yela stay up sgt kn.. tido je byk kat dpn bilik study tu though aku da minum 2packet nescafe, sill xberkesan!! lol.. molecule dlm bdn aku da blh attack moleculenescafe n cause me not to sleep. what a smart molecule.. a ke?? bkn byk ke moleculeSSS tu?? hahah.. watever!!
pray 4 me.. still got chemie, deutsch mid term und mechanics.. after today's test is over laaa...
guten tag, leute.. biss dan!
lame gyler x update.. whaha.. aku bz, hang nk habaq ape??
lolololol.. suka aty aku lar...
urm..bday, daddy, 14 Feb.. hepi bday! malu nk, kakak msg je la yea.. hehe
bday, zana, comin soooooonnnn.. tomoro~~ 23 Feb.. lol..
pokai aku nk beli hadiah kat 2 2 org tuuu.. ish3,.. hehe..
was soll ich sprachen ueber??
ich weiss nicht! hehe..
aku ade test pasni.. math.. liebe math, ich liebe dich.. bitte helfen mir..
und dann, i got deutch test.. erkk.. bace sikit2 je smlm... otak, start la remembering! lol...
smlm, yup.. smlm aku stay up.. yela stay up sgt kn.. tido je byk kat dpn bilik study tu though aku da minum 2packet nescafe, sill xberkesan!! lol.. molecule dlm bdn aku da blh attack moleculenescafe n cause me not to sleep. what a smart molecule.. a ke?? bkn byk ke moleculeSSS tu?? hahah.. watever!!
pray 4 me.. still got chemie, deutsch mid term und mechanics.. after today's test is over laaa...
guten tag, leute.. biss dan!
Monday, 6 February 2012
kemalasan yang diragui
salam..guten tag
malas..malas nk tulis..
sgt malas..
malas sgt2..
ape2 pn malas nk buat
still got chemie, german n physics to do...
immer hausaufgaben.
dun u get tired giving us hausaufgaben, lecturers??
huuufff... wanna get free from this life..
chotto matte kudasai!!
anata ga, suki desu..
stupid.. dunno wat to say..
chiao.. this post is basically bout nothim.. yeah..
lntak aku laaaa...
auf wiedersehen... tschuss..
malas..malas nk tulis..
sgt malas..
malas sgt2..
ape2 pn malas nk buat
still got chemie, german n physics to do...
immer hausaufgaben.
dun u get tired giving us hausaufgaben, lecturers??
huuufff... wanna get free from this life..
chotto matte kudasai!!
anata ga, suki desu..
stupid.. dunno wat to say..
chiao.. this post is basically bout nothim.. yeah..
lntak aku laaaa...
auf wiedersehen... tschuss..
Friday, 27 January 2012
ich bin sehr traurig!!
mahu menangis,
air mata seakan-akan sudah kering,
mahu tersenyum manis,
pahit yang terasa,
mahu berlari jauh dari kenyataan,
kaki seakan-akan sudah lumpuh..
hanya mampu menadah telinga,
mendengar cerita tentang puteri kayangan kepunyaannya,
hanya mampu memberi kata dorongan yang belum tentu keikhlasannya,
diiringi senyuman pahit yang menghiasi wajah penuh kedukaan,
mencintai tidak semestinya memiliki,
itu kenyataan antara aku dan dia,
dia, kekasihku sampai syurga,
dan aku, sahabat karibnya sampai syurga,
dan aku sedar,
garisan takdir kami tidak akan pernah bertemu...
assalamualaikum.. guten tag! aku bru dpt berita.. yeah.. first from fb tapi, serious, xnk percaya lgsung..but, bile empunye diri da bagitau, what else can i say? nk ckp congratz pn, cam hipokrit je.. so, aku senyap je la.. what happen to me, actually?? ades.. sakit rase hati nie.. kalau dmam, blh la nk ubatkan.. kalau skit hati?? was sollste ich machen? ich weiss nicht..
aku harap, aku harap sangat2.. aku xkan show this feeling kat dye.. not in msg, fb or even in class.. mcm mane nk avoid dye?? cmne nk ubati hati kau nie? mcm mane?? bitte, helfen mir!! sume bnda ca xkena je ari nie.. rase nk menangis, tapi xmampu.. aku bodoh la kalau ngs utk laki cm tu..
i dun need a boyfriend!!! maybe i need a hubby?? hahaha.. ok, wani.. xlawak..
ich liebe itachi!!!
Friday, 6 January 2012
hari tangis sedunia
assalamualaikum.. hallo, freund!! (lemah semangat)
harini, mcm2 jadi.. aduhai.. rase nk quit.. rase nk stop.. sumenye a really negative feeling..
Heute, i got my Chemie's mark.. damn sooooooooo schlecht!!! ich hasse Chemie aber, i muss Chemie studieren weil ich moechte ein Ingineeur werden.. (engineer xtaw btol nk belek google trns) huh.. today.. everything mls... das egal mir..
i'm in my own world.. after i knoe bout that marks.. warte! how i knoe the marks?? opcoz, i'm not like cik diyanah or ainmas, excitedly go n see miss fiza for the wonderful marks.. i'm a little bit shame actually.. yeah, coz i olready knoe that i wun get higher marks.. coz i'm weak in Chemie.. i mean, i'm really weak in Chemie.. no hard feeling..
i text miss fiza, yeah.. i did.. at first, i dun really wan to do that coz i'm not so confidence, but after knowing ainmas n yana olready knoe mine, ofcoz the owner should knoe it too.. n yeah.. i'm very dissapointed.. though i olready knoe that i can't get any higher marks but, opcoz, this heart won't listen..
what make me become even sadder?? coz the dejavu that my mom had.. yeah.. she's the kind that knoe what i'll be doing.. i'm not home.. i'm playing around.. i'm goin' sumwhere else..bla3.. i got sad.. i become happy..anything that didn't seem to be good to me.. she will knoe it.. n yeah.. she did.. she called as soon as i got the text that miss reply that say my marks.. n what else.. that naluri keibuan knoe that sumthing is wrong n without any hesitation.. i told her.. while CRYING... wani, u r a big gurl now but still crying for help from ur mom.. pffffhhhuuu.. i dun care.. she's still my mom.. now n forever..
oh yeah.. since the tears r flowing.. i can't speak that much.. just nodding while saying yes, yes, yes n yes for everything that she said.. its not that i dun want to talk but, i'm afraid if i speak, she'll knoe that i'm crying( though i olready knoe that she knoe.. coz i 'ter'let out that ..sobs... thing.. ) but still, yeah.. i couldn't speak so much.. n she left me with her advice, as usual..i felt a lot better.. much much better.. but, i still dun have any mood that time.. so, i'm just sleeping all day without opening any book.. yeah, sleep.. until almost 7.. forgot to mention earlier, i dun eat enything since morning.. just a cup of coffee in the morning then, nothing until 7pm..
that time, my second rescuer came.. my acu from kedah.. she talks like nothing happen.. greeting me as usual.. n suddenly, she asks, how's life?? n from that moment, i knoe, she olready knoe bout 'that' thing.. yeah, 'that' thing i mention earlier.. hehe.. n i start to spill out everything that i feel.. n i burst out my second round tears.. diz time, its more n more than before..she loves to make jokes n thnx to her, i manage to smile for today.. yeah.. her nasihat??
~ this is just the 1st sem.. work harder for next sem.. n next sem n next sem.. (she keep repeating the next sem) > lame.. hehe.. everybody says that when u want to make ur heart feels better for the mistakes that u have done before.. n i did that olso.. hehe...
~ mybe nie ujian yg ALLAH bg kat kakak.. sblum nie duduk kat tmpt best kat sekolah dulu.. doesn't even care bout anyone else coz i'm alwez on top.. i'm sitting on gold chair in my prev school.. coz all teachers, frens, likes me.. not like actually, but they have hopes in me for me to be a better candidates in spm.. and alwez become their reference.. i actually miss that moment when i become the main thing that everyone cares the most.. n now, who am i?? i'm not even worth to be in ALG.. they r just sooo good, sooo smart, soo intelligent.. n yeah..i'm no one compared to them.. i'm the stupidest in ALG15 n i realize that.. n yeah..i'm taking it in a positive way.. this is ujian that HE gives to me.. i should be glad coz i've experience this.. to be honest, i never experience failure.. not never but seldom.. n the last time would be years ago, mybe when i'm in form 2??
that's a few things that i remember bout what she said to me.. there's lots more but, i'm keeping it as my own little secret.. can i?? so.. what i have to do now?? was??
~ i'm going to work harder n harder.. insyaALLAH
~ i'm really thankful to HIM for giving me this sadness.. i'm goin' to become a more matured girl.. insyaALLAH..
~ please bless me in everything that i'm goin; to do
give me strength.. give me chances, give me success..
~ Alhamdulillah, coz u give me this failure... so that i knoe where i am.. my position n i'm goin' to be someone between the higher score.. its ok though i dun get the highest mark.. coz i know, YOU already knoe what's the best for me..
~insyaALLAH, alles zusammen nach Deutschland fliegen.. kite fly same2..bkn ko fly sorg2 or aku fly sorg2.. alles zusammen..
ya ALLAH, bagi aku kekuatan.. untuk mengharungi semua dugaan yg Engkau berikan.. berikan ape yang terbaik untuk aku.. sesungguhnya, Engkaulah yg Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengasihani.. Amin..
i think that's all..maybe.. yeah.. assalamualaikum.. keep smiling though u r crying.. =)
harini, mcm2 jadi.. aduhai.. rase nk quit.. rase nk stop.. sumenye a really negative feeling..
Heute, i got my Chemie's mark.. damn sooooooooo schlecht!!! ich hasse Chemie aber, i muss Chemie studieren weil ich moechte ein Ingineeur werden.. (engineer xtaw btol nk belek google trns) huh.. today.. everything mls... das egal mir..
i'm in my own world.. after i knoe bout that marks.. warte! how i knoe the marks?? opcoz, i'm not like cik diyanah or ainmas, excitedly go n see miss fiza for the wonderful marks.. i'm a little bit shame actually.. yeah, coz i olready knoe that i wun get higher marks.. coz i'm weak in Chemie.. i mean, i'm really weak in Chemie.. no hard feeling..
i text miss fiza, yeah.. i did.. at first, i dun really wan to do that coz i'm not so confidence, but after knowing ainmas n yana olready knoe mine, ofcoz the owner should knoe it too.. n yeah.. i'm very dissapointed.. though i olready knoe that i can't get any higher marks but, opcoz, this heart won't listen..
what make me become even sadder?? coz the dejavu that my mom had.. yeah.. she's the kind that knoe what i'll be doing.. i'm not home.. i'm playing around.. i'm goin' sumwhere else..bla3.. i got sad.. i become happy..anything that didn't seem to be good to me.. she will knoe it.. n yeah.. she did.. she called as soon as i got the text that miss reply that say my marks.. n what else.. that naluri keibuan knoe that sumthing is wrong n without any hesitation.. i told her.. while CRYING... wani, u r a big gurl now but still crying for help from ur mom.. pffffhhhuuu.. i dun care.. she's still my mom.. now n forever..
oh yeah.. since the tears r flowing.. i can't speak that much.. just nodding while saying yes, yes, yes n yes for everything that she said.. its not that i dun want to talk but, i'm afraid if i speak, she'll knoe that i'm crying( though i olready knoe that she knoe.. coz i 'ter'let out that ..sobs... thing.. ) but still, yeah.. i couldn't speak so much.. n she left me with her advice, as usual..i felt a lot better.. much much better.. but, i still dun have any mood that time.. so, i'm just sleeping all day without opening any book.. yeah, sleep.. until almost 7.. forgot to mention earlier, i dun eat enything since morning.. just a cup of coffee in the morning then, nothing until 7pm..
that time, my second rescuer came.. my acu from kedah.. she talks like nothing happen.. greeting me as usual.. n suddenly, she asks, how's life?? n from that moment, i knoe, she olready knoe bout 'that' thing.. yeah, 'that' thing i mention earlier.. hehe.. n i start to spill out everything that i feel.. n i burst out my second round tears.. diz time, its more n more than before..she loves to make jokes n thnx to her, i manage to smile for today.. yeah.. her nasihat??
~ this is just the 1st sem.. work harder for next sem.. n next sem n next sem.. (she keep repeating the next sem) > lame.. hehe.. everybody says that when u want to make ur heart feels better for the mistakes that u have done before.. n i did that olso.. hehe...
~ mybe nie ujian yg ALLAH bg kat kakak.. sblum nie duduk kat tmpt best kat sekolah dulu.. doesn't even care bout anyone else coz i'm alwez on top.. i'm sitting on gold chair in my prev school.. coz all teachers, frens, likes me.. not like actually, but they have hopes in me for me to be a better candidates in spm.. and alwez become their reference.. i actually miss that moment when i become the main thing that everyone cares the most.. n now, who am i?? i'm not even worth to be in ALG.. they r just sooo good, sooo smart, soo intelligent.. n yeah..i'm no one compared to them.. i'm the stupidest in ALG15 n i realize that.. n yeah..i'm taking it in a positive way.. this is ujian that HE gives to me.. i should be glad coz i've experience this.. to be honest, i never experience failure.. not never but seldom.. n the last time would be years ago, mybe when i'm in form 2??
that's a few things that i remember bout what she said to me.. there's lots more but, i'm keeping it as my own little secret.. can i?? so.. what i have to do now?? was??
my bestie.. since standard 1 n still counting... insyaALLAH, until jannah |
~ i'm going to work harder n harder.. insyaALLAH
~ i'm really thankful to HIM for giving me this sadness.. i'm goin' to become a more matured girl.. insyaALLAH..
~ please bless me in everything that i'm goin; to do
give me strength.. give me chances, give me success..
~ Alhamdulillah, coz u give me this failure... so that i knoe where i am.. my position n i'm goin' to be someone between the higher score.. its ok though i dun get the highest mark.. coz i know, YOU already knoe what's the best for me..
~insyaALLAH, alles zusammen nach Deutschland fliegen.. kite fly same2..
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nie FRANKFURT, my new class name..insyaALLAH, i'll be there 2years from now.. |
ya ALLAH, bagi aku kekuatan.. untuk mengharungi semua dugaan yg Engkau berikan.. berikan ape yang terbaik untuk aku.. sesungguhnya, Engkaulah yg Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengasihani.. Amin..
i think that's all..maybe.. yeah.. assalamualaikum.. keep smiling though u r crying.. =)
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
ich bin traurig. du kennen oder nicht??
hari nie.. erm.. let see.. new class, new classmates, new lecturer.. yeah.. everything is new.. hope that i'll get new spirit to study n blah3..
i was caught red handed yesterday.. huhuhu.. HE finally knows that i unfriend with him on fb.. lololololo.. asal bru taw skrg?? nmpk sgt xkesah kat aku.. lorrr... wth.. ok, now, he's a fren of course.. still, i dunno what reason that i can give to him, the reason that i unfriend him.. why? why? why? plis think for me, bitte!! hehe...
in a deep sadist emotion today.. opcoz la coz He dun even bother me n buat mcm kitorg xknl.. okfine,,, we r no longer fren.. hurts when he pretend that he didn't c me n just pass by me.. lol.. my heart pains.. nenonenoneno..ambulance, help me!!
omo~~ was soll ich machen?? ich weiss nicht!!! ich kann nicht denken... du muss mir helfen!!
past is past.. hope to built new relationship with him, just as ordinary fren.. perhaps.. yeah,perhaps..
there's someone that i currently thinking of.. omooo~~ nein!!! ich mochte nicht denken.. ok, grammar tunggang langgang..huhuhu... viel spass.. i'm tired.. sleepy olso..
oh yeah, chukae, Fatin Nabilah ~~ for that german test!! u r owesome!! keep increasing my respect to u.. omo~~ pacah sudah rhsia Fatin..huhu.. its a good news la fatin... glad to be ur fren.. teach me next time..
'ibu, Fatin yg ajak kakak stay up tu kan, dpt tinggi german.. kakak?? erk.. xtaw lagi.. dun wory, result smpai kat uma.. haha.. letak frame ye.. entittled, result ank yg am schlechten.. yeah2..i know.. i'm worst...
kay, keep smiling.. auf wiedersehen...
hari nie.. erm.. let see.. new class, new classmates, new lecturer.. yeah.. everything is new.. hope that i'll get new spirit to study n blah3..
i was caught red handed yesterday.. huhuhu.. HE finally knows that i unfriend with him on fb.. lololololo.. asal bru taw skrg?? nmpk sgt xkesah kat aku.. lorrr... wth.. ok, now, he's a fren of course.. still, i dunno what reason that i can give to him, the reason that i unfriend him.. why? why? why? plis think for me, bitte!! hehe...
in a deep sadist emotion today.. opcoz la coz He dun even bother me n buat mcm kitorg xknl.. okfine,,, we r no longer fren.. hurts when he pretend that he didn't c me n just pass by me.. lol.. my heart pains.. nenonenoneno..ambulance, help me!!
omo~~ was soll ich machen?? ich weiss nicht!!! ich kann nicht denken... du muss mir helfen!!
past is past.. hope to built new relationship with him, just as ordinary fren.. perhaps.. yeah,perhaps..
there's someone that i currently thinking of.. omooo~~ nein!!! ich mochte nicht denken.. ok, grammar tunggang langgang..huhuhu... viel spass.. i'm tired.. sleepy olso..
oh yeah, chukae, Fatin Nabilah ~~ for that german test!! u r owesome!! keep increasing my respect to u.. omo~~ pacah sudah rhsia Fatin..huhu.. its a good news la fatin... glad to be ur fren.. teach me next time..
'ibu, Fatin yg ajak kakak stay up tu kan, dpt tinggi german.. kakak?? erk.. xtaw lagi.. dun wory, result smpai kat uma.. haha.. letak frame ye.. entittled, result ank yg am schlechten.. yeah2..i know.. i'm worst...
kay, keep smiling.. auf wiedersehen...
Monday, 2 January 2012
ergghh.. today, nothing goes on perfectly.. dunno why, i started to hate someone.. gosshhh!! please help me!! i dun want any enemy.. really sad today, my heart hurts so much, just for a simple thing, how could that someone do that?? yeah, mybe i'm taking it seriously, but, hello, i got heart, okay?? i got feeling also, so, its normal for being hurt.. erghh... wateva..may ALLAH bless in wateva i do..
okeh.. release sikit tension.. fine..keep smiling though u r in badmood.. it might help, a little bit, mybe?? dunno, dun care..dun want to care.. tschuss..
ergghh.. today, nothing goes on perfectly.. dunno why, i started to hate someone.. gosshhh!! please help me!! i dun want any enemy.. really sad today, my heart hurts so much, just for a simple thing, how could that someone do that?? yeah, mybe i'm taking it seriously, but, hello, i got heart, okay?? i got feeling also, so, its normal for being hurt.. erghh... wateva..may ALLAH bless in wateva i do..
okeh.. release sikit tension.. fine..keep smiling though u r in badmood.. it might help, a little bit, mybe?? dunno, dun care..dun want to care.. tschuss..
Sunday, 1 January 2012
azam tahun baru.. kekeke..
assalamualaikum.. my first post in 2012..
my azam for this year??
hope can make a more beautiful blog at least for my self.. dun care what other think about it as long as i'm happy with it.. haha.. esk da nk msuk intec.. huaaaaa.. i'm not sure either i'm fully ready or not to face these new challenges.. ahh.. what should i do?? may ALLAH bless.. HE knows the best for me.. fighting!! hehe..
list of my AZAMs: insyaALLAH termakbul la
~i wanna be someone better!
~i wanna increase my high!
~i wanna decrease y weight!
~i wanna study hard
~i wanna be stronger emotionally.. dun cry easily,wani! i know u can do it...
~i wanna get rid of bad influence in my life.. ALLAH, please make me stronger..
yeah.. i hope, insyaALLAH.. oh yeah, n i'll still keep smiling all the time.. coz that's what my parent did for the first time when they saw me, when i was born in 1993.. so, i should cherish the 1st thing that they did to me, rite?? hehe..
oh yeah, i got new passion, i'm in love with nickhun.. heh.. tut mir leid, fatin nabilah.. i can't help it, he's sooo cute!! hehe.. dun wory, we'll be his fan together.. huhu..
yeah, for now, tht's the end i ges.. tschuss, everyone.. keep smilling n happy new year!! may ALLAH bless.. *hugs n kisses*
my azam for this year??
hope can make a more beautiful blog at least for my self.. dun care what other think about it as long as i'm happy with it.. haha.. esk da nk msuk intec.. huaaaaa.. i'm not sure either i'm fully ready or not to face these new challenges.. ahh.. what should i do?? may ALLAH bless.. HE knows the best for me.. fighting!! hehe..
list of my AZAMs: insyaALLAH termakbul la
~i wanna be someone better!
~i wanna increase my high!
~i wanna decrease y weight!
~i wanna study hard
~i wanna be stronger emotionally.. dun cry easily,wani! i know u can do it...
~i wanna get rid of bad influence in my life.. ALLAH, please make me stronger..
yeah.. i hope, insyaALLAH.. oh yeah, n i'll still keep smiling all the time.. coz that's what my parent did for the first time when they saw me, when i was born in 1993.. so, i should cherish the 1st thing that they did to me, rite?? hehe..
oh yeah, i got new passion, i'm in love with nickhun.. heh.. tut mir leid, fatin nabilah.. i can't help it, he's sooo cute!! hehe.. dun wory, we'll be his fan together.. huhu..
yeah, for now, tht's the end i ges.. tschuss, everyone.. keep smilling n happy new year!! may ALLAH bless.. *hugs n kisses*
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