don't judge me!

the stupid me.. the horrible me.. the hurting me.. and that's me..

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

He knows what I don't

wassup yooo...
okeh.... i'm out of my mind... heee

AS GERMAN!!! tomoro, lesen... waaa.... ich habe Angst.... but yet, here i am, writing a new post for my beloved blog... waa...tolong laaa...~~

i know but i also dun knoe what am i doin right now..  waaa... seriously... ANGST!!!!

ibu, abah....tut mir leid!!! ich möchte nach Deutschland fliegen!! bitte bete für mich!! haaaaa.....

dia...dan dia.... sangat menyesakkan hati ini.....

i was given a prove my iman... to cover my aqidah.... may this trial make me as a new person, a new mujahidah...for

dan sesungguhnya, cinta itu kepunyaan ALLAH yg disandarkan kepada hamba2nya supaya mereka bersyukur atas nikmat kurnian NYA... aku cinta kepada dia sedangkan DIA lebih-lebih lagi mencintai aku.... maka nya, tidak sepatutnya cinta ku padanya melebihi cintaku kepada NYA... kerana dia yg memberi nikmat cinta ini kepada diriku... ya Allah...lead me thru the best way of URS.... drag me back to the true road... ALLAH knows.. InsyaAllah..

TURN back,wani... Syaitan tries to drag u out of this true road of HIM....


' Sesungguhnya Allah SWT tidak menzalimi manusia sedikit pun, tetapi manusia itulah yg menzalimi dirinya sendiri..' (10:44)

ALLAH...aku sedang menzalimi diriku sendiri...amanah yg aku pikul dripd MU supaya aku bljr, supaya aku lpas ALevel n blh fly pegi German... ya Allah...lead me the way... InsyaAllah...
