don't judge me!

the stupid me.. the horrible me.. the hurting me.. and that's me..

Saturday, 10 November 2012

jiwang karat #3

the husband slowly moves closer to his wife.. he takes her hand.. place it on his and slowly pull his wife closer to him.. he put his right hand around his wife shoulder while his left hand still holding his wife's hand tightly.. slowly, he kiss his wife's forehead.. and they continue walking.. hands in hands..

p/s: witnesses by my own eyes..

jiwang karat #2

"hey, can u please fix my laptop?"
"yeah, sure..what can i do?" she asks while taking the laptop given.
"i don't know, suddenly, it stuck and shut down by its own"
"hmm.. really.." she press the 'on' button
" hey u, what's ur password?"
"i love you"
"i love you, that's my password"
she opens the laptop... nothing is wrong except the wallpaper writes 'will u marry me' with their pictures surrounding the words..
"don't tell me.." she turns her back to find him..and he was smiling while kneeling down with a a gold ring on his hand..
she smiles back.

jiwang karat #1

hubby und wifey...

wifey: Ich liebe dich.
hubby: Ich liebe dich auch.
wifey: Du sollst es erweisen. Sagst es auf der Welt.
hubby: *flüstert er in den Ohren* Ich liebe dich.
wifey: Warum flüsterst du in meinen Ohren?
hubby: weil du mein Welt bist..

*ich schmelze*