don't judge me!

the stupid me.. the horrible me.. the hurting me.. and that's me..

Saturday, 2 December 2017

It's December!!!

Salam... (thou xda org jawab salam but still, nk salam gak! haha)

hi hi hi.... *lelambai tangan*

soooo.... it's December.. yep, the year of pain aka 2017 is approaching to an end...

so let me see what did i achieve in 2017 so far?

- heart broken
- stress
- anxiety
- depression
- pain
- stress
- jealousy
- heart broken
- stress
- stress (again)
-weight gain (I'm fat!)
- more stress

ok la... at least xrasa nk bunuh diri lagi kannnnnnn... *agkat kening double jerk*

ok, here's the real one:

- First Class Degree in Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Hons.)
- finished my degree in Sept 20, like finally all the hardwork titik peluh bagai nangis stress memalam like whattttt smua dh setel, habis, keuttt, tamat.. hahahhahahhah

- PRS pun ok je, jd alumni, last position as General Secretary, thou masa mula2 dpt position tu rasa mcm i deserved to be in better (higher) position, aka maybe Vice Pres keeee... ni jadi Secretary je ape barang enn... -__-" tp bile pikir balik, ok la aku jd Secretary, muka garang gini, xreti senyum, xreti console org, xbercakap dgn org... hahaha.. baik aku duk dendiam ngadap laptop, check proposal je wehhhh... ahhahaha.. Thanks la Aizuddin.. *hi5 ciked*

tu je la kot.... sepanjang 2017.. pebenda je lagi aku buat? haahhahaha... keje xdpt lagi, masih menganggur, masih mencari, dan masih berusaha utk mencari, cume rezeki je belom sampai.. tp alhamdulillah, before aku hbis study lagi dh ckp kt diri sendiri actually, kalau Allah SWT bg rezeki lambat utk cari kerja, actually tu sbb nk suh aku spend time dgn ibu abah, ye la kan.. duk UNITEN xpenah kot balik cuti sebulan.. paling lama pun 2minggu rasanya.. hehee.. bapak lama xduduk umah weh... so it's time utk jaga ibu abah.. jaga ke? hahahha..

and alhamdulillah, tgh perbaiki diri dgn amal, makin tekun baca Al-Quran skrg.. mse zaman degree tu, aci redah je.. klau taim nk jd setan, xbaca pun, klau tetibe rasa insaf, baik sikit bru baca.. ahhahaha.. pelik betul, mse Ramadhan aritu asal xleh khatam Al-Quran eh, lemau gile.. asal baca je, ngantuk.. hmmm, setan... so here's my daily routine

lepas Subuh - kalau xngantuk and rajin (Yassin)
lepas Maghrib - Al- Waqiah (wajib) kekadang bukak Surah Luqman.
lepas Isyak - Al-Mulk ( ni paling WAJIB) rasa xlengkap klau xbaca yg nie..

pastu ari Jumaat lepas Zohor, baca Alkahfi..

ciked je en.. tp bia la yg ni jd habit dlu, bru blh tmbh yg lain2.. hehe.. azam nk khatam quran, tp cam xsempat je before 2018.. so gua kuburkan dahulu, tggu 2018 lak.. ahahaah.. Aminnnnn... niat baik dapat pahala kannnn....

sooo? what's next?

Adib.. Mohamad Amir Adib Ramli.

Eh? hidup lagi mamat ni? hahahahhaa.. hidup je.. aku dh delete gmba ws aku, dh jarang post status, pastu dh sorok last seen.. last time mse aku buat cmni, mse tgh in cold war dgn adib dlu, tp time tu couple lagi la.. it takes adib 1 and a half day to realize, pastu dia ws tny, "dh block i ke?" to which i replied, "sory, tak childish mcm u.." hahahhaha... kelakar en.. pastu arini xtaw la hari keberapa dh aku delete gmba ws, sorok last seen tu, xda pun dia ws tny pape.. wehh, nk tny apa kannn.... dia kan duk bz layan girlfriend dia, mne nk kesah kat ko gileeeee... aduuu... *middle finger to me*


Padahal xgelak pun... sedih sebenarnya.. heh.. aku still read dia pny last ws, aku still tgk dia punya last seen and aku still berharap utk dia ws aku pastu ckp, "i tipu u je haritu, i xda girlfriend lain pun, i nak u berusaha cari keje cecepat so that u boleh dekat dgn i..i still love u and i forever will...."

Perghh.... confirm aku cairr shetttt.... ahhahaha....BODOH.. kn? After all the cruel word he threw to me, after he broke my heart, he broke my trust to him... after all these while, syazwani still blh forgive him and terima dia balik.. bodoh kan? bodoh gile......and this why, ladies and gentlemen, I HATE MYSELF.

ok til then.... adios amigos, nak smbung tgk While You Were Sleeping.
Jongsuk omeyyyy... biubiu..

salam back.