tomolow.. aka tomoro...
i got chemis exam.. paper unit 8.. consist of unit 4&5..
how suweet... =,=
but now, i'm dying!! i'm dying coz of stress..
soooo.... stressssss... seriyes.. nie xtipu...
sgt stress.. until... hm...
until i cried when mom called me just now...
haiyaa.. wani being wani....
naseb baik.. i was drying my hair.. while talking to phone...
n yana came out from her room... n as i think she might saw my tears,
i began to move my wet hair in front.. ok, da mcm pontianak, derrr...
talked to mom.. but i dun think she realized i was crying... well..
awesome, wani~~~ LOL..
n i'm stress... for tomoro's paper...
n MRS didn't text me.... since last time, da 2 ari..
wani, u need to live without him... if not, if things suddenly goes wrong.. haaa...
taim tu bru nk menyesuaikan diri.. nononononono~~
soo, bia je la.. tggu dye text dlu.. malaiihh da nk lyn...
chemis waiting... i love chemistry... but dunno..either i will still love it after tomoro's paper or not..~~
dunno..dunnoo.... (~..~)
~~ O Allah, if U take me to it... U will make me pass thru it, rite? ~~

salam... *amantanpaperang* (read: peace no war)
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