don't judge me!

the stupid me.. the horrible me.. the hurting me.. and that's me..

Monday 20 May 2013

this is love

You are imperfectly perfect
I am perfectly imperfect
But we both are perfectly perfect
You are colourly colourless
I am colourlessly coloured
But we both are Colourly coloured
You are patiently impatient
I am impatiently patient
But we both are Patiently patient
You are wrongly right
I am rightly wrong
But we both are Rightly right
You are east
I am west
But we both lead the rest
You are sky
I am earth
But we both make each other’s Universe
You are Fire
I am water
But we both does matter
You are rude
I am happy
But we both together go clappy
You are light
I am dark
Making each others life bright 

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